Grow more from plug plant seedlings

Do you want to grow stronger and healthier plants in your garden with less effort?  If so, then plug plants might be just the thing for you.

So, what are plug plants?  A plug plant is a seedling that was sprouted and grown in a small cell.  Plug plants are often grown together in a large tray with many cells.  Plug plants are more affordable than established plants, but easier than starting plants from seed.

Of course, you can buy plug plants at various stages of development, from small “mini” plug plants to well-established ones.

In this article, we’ll talk about plug plants, sizes, and when to buy them.  We’ll also talk about how you can start your own plug plants at home.

Let’s begin.

What Are Plug Plants?

A plug plant is a seedling that was germinated in potting soil contained in a small cell.  Usually, many plug plants are grown together in a tray, such as a standard size (10 inch by 20 inch) seed tray.

Plug plants grow in individual cells, usually in a seed tray that supports dozens of seedlings at once.

(Plug plants grow in individual cells, usually in a seed tray that supports dozens of seedlings at once.)

Professional growers produce large numbers of plug plants in greenhouses for commercial use on farms.  However, small growers or gardeners can buy plugs for home use as well.

You can also start your own plug plants from seed (more on this later).  Buying plug plants is more affordable than buying established plants and easier than starting plants from seed.

A plug plant is easy to remove from a tray because each plug plant grows in its own separate cell.  This avoids the problem of tangled roots between neighboring plants.

It also minimizes root disturbance during repotting or transplant of the plug plant.  Another benefit of separate cells is that over watering a single cell does not hurt the other plants in the tray.

Post time: Sep-20-2022