What Size Is A Plug Plant?

Plug plants come in three sizes: mini, standard, and established. The size of the cells in a tray will determine how big the plug plants can get before they need repotting or transplanting.
According to the University of Georgia, smaller plugs take longer to produce mature plants. Larger plugs produce plants with a larger root system, which improves plant health.
Larger plug plants from bigger cells will have better root systems.

There are three basic sizes of plug plants:
1. Mini plugs
2. Standard plugs
3. Established plugs

Mini Plug Plants:
Mini plug plants are the first to appear on the market once the growing season begins. These plugs are the smallest of the three categories, and are grown in small cells.
Mini plug plants are grown in small cells and are still fairly young seedlings when you receive them.
Since they are so small, they need the most time and attention to mature. After you get mini plugs, you will need to repot them and let them grow indoors for a while before transplanting to the garden (more on this later).
Mini plugs are a good choice for an experienced gardener who has cared for young plants before who does not want to start plants from seed this year.
They are also the most cost-efficient choice of plug plants if budget is a concern.

Standard Plug Plants:
Standard plug plants are the next to appear on the market. They are basically just mini plugs that have been allowed to grow a bit longer, though they may be grown in larger cells than mini plugs.
Standard plug plants are larger than mini plug plants, since they are grown in larger cells and have more time to mature.
Standard plugs are a bit larger and more established than mini plugs. As a result, they don’t need quite so much time to grow before you transplant them outdoors.
Still, you will need to repot standard plugs and give them time to grow before you put them in the garden.
Standard plugs are a good choice for intermediate gardeners who are familiar with repotting and are somewhat comfortable with raising plants.
They are more cost efficient than established plug plants, but more costly than mini plug plants.

Established Plug Plants:
Established plug plants appear on the market later in the growing season. Just as mini plugs grow into standard plugs, standard plugs will grow into established plugs.
Established plugs are larger than standard plugs. As a result, you may be able to transplant them into the garden right after you get them.
Even if you cannot transplant established plugs right away, it still won’t take long for them to grow large enough for transplant.
Established plugs are a good choice for beginner gardeners who want to transplant immediately or soon after receiving the plugs.
They are the most expensive plugs, but they save you time by taking care of seed starting and seedling care.

Post time: Sep-23-2022